Discover Your Core Creativity with a Mindful Pause

As I write in my book, Wise Mind, Open Mind, you don’t have to “try” to be creative when you access your core creativity. You don’t have to “think through” what to do next, because a sense of possibility and wonder will simply come to you, followed by ideas that flow into you. By becoming Read more »

4 Strategies to Mindfully Enhance Everyday Creativity

4 Strategies to Mindfully Enhance Everyday Creativity

Creativity is about journeying into the dark and mysterious forest of the unknown. It’s not necessarily about participating in the arts, although it can be. You can begin opening the door to your core creativity and to open-mind awareness. You can stop yearning for the big chance to find a sense of purpose and start Read more »

3 Steps to Mindfully Shift Negative Thoughts & Feelings

The belief “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is false, at least as far as brain science is concerned. It has proven that the brain is far more malleable than we ever thought. We can develop new relationship, communication, and money-management skills at any age, especially with mindfulness training. Mindfulness allows you to Read more »