CEUs Available for MFTs, MSWs, LCSWs
What is “core creativity” and how does it differ from regular creativity? Ordinary creativity helps you adjust to changing conditions and think your way out of problems, but core creativity offers infinitely more. It empowers you to pursue your passion enthusiastically even when faced with challenges. It helps you remain enthusiastic and resilient regardless of circumstances—because you’ve learned that you can always rely on this powerful force to lead you out of the woods of the unknown and into the clearing.
Whatever your vocation, you, like all people, are an artist, and your masterpiece is your own life. In my many years as a therapist, I’ve found that most people wish they could be an actor, painter, singer, or other type of artist, and I encourage them to find ways to express themselves in the arts, because I believe that all creativity is vitalizing. However, I tell my clients they don’t have to be Mick Jagger to be a performer or Andy Warhol to be a painter, and in fact, even if they never sing a note or pick up a paintbrush, they can be artists of their own lives. Artistic aspirations are often a metaphor for the desire to live more creatively and authentically, according to the dreams of the soul instead of the expectations of society.
Whenever we are challenged to break out of old patterns and formulas, leave stagnation and crisis behind, and access wisdom and creative possibilities far beyond what our rational, analytical minds can offer us, we yearn for a creative force powerful enough to break through every barrier and demolish every obstacle. At these times, we need to tap into the strongest creative force there is: core creativity.
Once accessed through a state of open mind awareness, core creativity can download, like the most sophisticated software program for profound transformation. Core creativity is available to everyone, not just people in the arts who are well practiced at trusting in a creative process of absorbing stimulation and ideas, generating possibilities, and collaborating with others.
Imagining, envisioning, and innovating when we have experienced a massive loss in any area of our lives requires more than surface creativity. It requires using the tools of mindfulness, intuition and core creativity so we can bring about true innovation, radical reinvention, and sustainable, gratifying changes in our lives and our organizations.
Dr. Ronald Alexander invites you to join him to learn how to access the inner resources of your core creativity—trust, comfort, time and curiosity. Working with mindfulness meditation, Gestalt practice, Ericksonian trance states, music, creative writing, breathing techniques, somatic experiencing, and more, you will discover how to open yourself to joy, contentment, and vitality. Core Creativity Training is offered through workshops at retreats and personal growth centers, colleges and universities, business and organizational settings, and through keynote presentations.
For more information on fees, and appointments call or text 310-395-2243 or email DrRon@RonaldAlexander.com.
Available Now: New Book from Ronald Alexander, PhD

“Ron’s writing encourages you, your gifts, and your spirit to come alive.”
—Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart
“Awaken the magic of your creativity…superb book!”
—Judith Orloff, MD, author of The Empath’s Survival Guide
Core Creativity: The Mindful Way to Unlock Your Creative Self
You too can transform your life by learning how to access the core creativity that comes from the the very center of your being. You’ll know when you are connected to your deep unconscious mind when the ideas are flowing and you feel as if they aren’t even coming from you but from a source that is infinitely abundant.
Dr. Alexander has guided and advised top creative artists as well as ordinary people willing in using mindfulness practices to train the mind so that it more easily opens the portal to core creativity. Offering powerful guided visualizations, insights from highly creative artists, stories of ordinary people who achieved clarity and profound transformation, Core Creativity is a practical and engaging guide that presents a robust creative process. Anyone who feels stuck in any area of their life or work will grow their confidence in their creative abilities as they begin working with the mind states of Absorbing Mind, Open Mind, and Generating Mind and start to access their core creativity.
Available at these and other fine booksellers everywhere. Order Now!