Mindfulness & Meditation Training

How Mindfulness Improves the Brain, Mind & Body

CEUs Available for MFTs, MSWs, LCSWs

For 2500 years, the wisdom teachings of the East have utilized what their texts refer to as “skillful methods” for the study and transformation of the mind/body. Mindfulness Training provides instruction in meditation and mind-body healing from both a psychological and spiritual perspective. The focus is on the practice, experience and benefits of meditation and self-healing in daily life. Mindfulness meditation helps to cultivate self-regulation through relaxation and the development of attention skills. Training in mindfulness facilitates awareness of the inner resources of the Core Self—trust, comfort, time and curiosity—for the activation of one’s core creativity, and access to the healthy and creative aspects of the unconscious mind. This state of consciousness increases self-awareness, promotes insight, wellness, and individuation.

When people are faced with the practical dilemma of accessing deeper levels of their creativity to transform their life, career, or organization they often become stuck or end up going the wrong way. They see problems and try to think their way into solutions, but it’s as if their WiFi signal is too weak for the big ideas to load. They are not able to achieve true innovation, radical reinvention, and sustainable changes. The problem is they have not tapped into the strongest creative force there is: core creativity. Mindfulness allows one to find their creativity and resourcefulness, so that they can approach a situation differently, solve problems and achieve goals.

Through mindfulness one can also develop mindstrength, the ability to respond with awareness instead of reaction and knowing how to make everyone around them feel recognized, affirmed and valued. Mindfulness provides one with clarity and calm in a crisis, protecting them from the temptation to panic and jump from one bad situation to another or to blame others for the crisis and avoid looking at their role in it; plus it gives one the power to change it. Mindful communication is an extraordinary tool for problem solving. It allows one to tolerate the discomfort of confrontation with others and the embarrassment of discovering how they might have contributed to the problem.

For more information on fees, and appointments call or text 310-395-2243 or email DrRon@RonaldAlexander.com.