As a therapist in Los Angeles I’ve seen more than my share of patients who are dealing with various forms of depression and unhappiness. One common personality trait I’ve found and wrote extensively about in my book, Wise Mind Open Mind is their unwholesome thoughts and beliefs that come from what I call the “wanting Read more »
Four Steps to Mindfully Ride the Ebb of Life
Adapted from Ronald Alexander’s book, “Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss and Change” As a therapist working with people in creative industries, I’ve seen how the idea that “you’re only as good as your last project” creates an unwholesome dissatisfaction and constant striving to do better, a perfectionism Read more »
Top 5 Resistances to Change & Their Remedies
I often see patients in my psychotherapy practice who are unable to make changes in their life and do not understand why they keep sabotaging their efforts. Usually this is due to a hidden resistance or unwholesome belief associated with the desired change. There are five hindrances that I’ve found to be particularly common in Read more »