Sometimes, it’s hard for people to be honest with us even when we ask them to be. Learn how to give constructive feedback.
Sometimes, it’s hard for people to be honest with us even when we ask them to be. Learn how to give constructive feedback.
Creativity is among the top qualities that employers look for. If you feel that you need to become more creative in hopes of boosting and sustaining your career, you can do so by developing the areas of the brain associated with creativity — and diminishing the areas that squelch it. According to research, the systems Read more »
Our emotions don’t linger if we allow ourselves to feel them. Mindfulness practice helps you to shift out of feelings and even longer-lasting moods—if you have the physiological foundation for experiencing and sustaining emotions such as joy and excitement. Mindfulness can awaken what is known as the witnessing or observing self, a facet of your Read more »
In the forty years that I’ve been working as a creative coach and a mind-body psychotherapist I’ve discovered that blocks to creativity and change can be rooted in old losses or trauma and can arise unexpectedly. That’s what happened to one of my clients who was a writer who had been successful in her craft Read more »
Learn how to debunk the five misconceptions of creativity that you may have.
Read an excerpt from my book “Core Creativity” to discover from artists where ideas originate.
What do you want to create or change in your life? Some of my clients want to experience financial success. Others want to make their mark on the world or to untether themselves from a job so they can spend their time doing what has meaning for them. Some people love their jobs but need Read more »
You might not even think of yourself as being creative, but there is much you can learn from highly creative people and their processes to turn up the volume on their own creativity. Why is creativity important for you (and the world) right now? Billions of people around the world were jolted out of the Read more »
Whenever we’re challenged to jumpstart our creative process the old technique of brainstorming or collaborating with others who are also struggling to be creative on demand, isn’t going to cut it. The world is changing rapidly and people and workplaces need true innovation ideas. Trying to “figure out” what to do can waste valuable time Read more »
Most of us were taught that creativity comes from the thoughts and emotions of the mind. The greatest singers, dancers, painters, writers, and filmmakers recognize that the most original, and even transformative, ideas actually come from the core of our being, which is accessed through an “open-mind consciousness.” In ancient traditions, open-mind consciousness was considered Read more »