Discover Your Core Creativity with a Mindful Pause

As I write in my book, Wise Mind, Open Mind, you don’t have to “try” to be creative when you access your core creativity. You don’t have to “think through” what to do next, because a sense of possibility and wonder will simply come to you, followed by ideas that flow into you. By becoming Read more »

4 Ways Mindfulness Meditation can Enhance Your Yoga Practice

The practice of yoga involves a natural understanding of the daily applications of mindfulness meditation. They are wonderful complementary practices that go hand-in-hand to assist our minds and bodies to become highly focused and merge into the peak state of oneness. By practicing both mindfulness meditation and yoga asanas we prepare ourselves to become conduits Read more »

Improve Your Relationships with Wise Speech

As a psychotherapist working with couples and families I know that there are always two sides in any relationship although no one has the right to verbally or physically attack another individual. Even though directing angry and hurtful words at another is not necessarily life-threatening, the emotional wounds they create can be just as deep Read more »

Six Mindful Strategies to Recover from the Shock of Loss

Today many of us are dealing with devastating losses in our lives from natural disasters, to losing our homes, jobs and relationships. After the initial shock of any type of trauma there are of course the various stages of grief that everyone goes through such as denial, rationalization, anger and acceptance. For those who are Read more »

The Wanting Mind of Depression

The Wanting Mind of Depression

As a therapist in Los Angeles I’ve seen more than my share of patients who are dealing with various forms of depression and unhappiness. One common personality trait I’ve found and wrote extensively about in my book, Wise Mind Open Mind is their unwholesome thoughts and beliefs that come from what I call the “wanting Read more »

Learn How to Mindfully Stop Procrastinating

Most people at one time or other have procrastinated, which is normal but when it becomes obsessive and chronic then there could be an underlying psychological disorder behind it. Procrastination can result in additional stress, a sense of guilt and crisis, loss of personal productivity and social disapproval for not meeting one’s responsibilities or commitments. Read more »

4 Strategies to Mindfully Enhance Everyday Creativity

4 Strategies to Mindfully Enhance Everyday Creativity

Creativity is about journeying into the dark and mysterious forest of the unknown. It’s not necessarily about participating in the arts, although it can be. You can begin opening the door to your core creativity and to open-mind awareness. You can stop yearning for the big chance to find a sense of purpose and start Read more »