Creativity is among the top qualities that employers look for. If you feel that you need to become more creative in hopes of boosting and sustaining your career, you can do so by developing the areas of the brain associated with creativity — and diminishing the areas that squelch it. According to research, the systems Read more »
Transformational Growth
Unlock Your Creative Self & Transform Your Life
You might not even think of yourself as being creative, but there is much you can learn from highly creative people and their processes to turn up the volume on their own creativity. Why is creativity important for you (and the world) right now? Billions of people around the world were jolted out of the Read more »
6 Steps to Ignite Your Core Creativity
Most of us were taught that creativity comes from the thoughts and emotions of the mind. The greatest singers, dancers, painters, writers, and filmmakers recognize that the most original, and even transformative, ideas actually come from the core of our being, which is accessed through an “open-mind consciousness.” In ancient traditions, open-mind consciousness was considered Read more »
The Demons of the Ego Mind
Doesn’t everyone desire happiness, joy, bliss, and peace? Then why are so many people stuck in unhealthy or unfulfilling jobs and relationships? Traditionally, we’ve been told that to achieve happiness, we should use our minds to figure out what would make us happy and then work hard to achieve our goal. The problem is that Read more »
The Wanting Mind of Depression
As a therapist in Los Angeles I’ve seen more than my share of patients who are dealing with various forms of depression and unhappiness. One common personality trait I’ve found and wrote extensively about in my book, Wise Mind Open Mind is their unwholesome thoughts and beliefs that come from what I call the “wanting Read more »
Learn How to Mindfully Stop Procrastinating
Most people at one time or other have procrastinated, which is normal but when it becomes obsessive and chronic then there could be an underlying psychological disorder behind it. Procrastination can result in additional stress, a sense of guilt and crisis, loss of personal productivity and social disapproval for not meeting one’s responsibilities or commitments. Read more »
4 Strategies to Mindfully Enhance Everyday Creativity
Creativity is about journeying into the dark and mysterious forest of the unknown. It’s not necessarily about participating in the arts, although it can be. You can begin opening the door to your core creativity and to open-mind awareness. You can stop yearning for the big chance to find a sense of purpose and start Read more »
What’s Your Payoff to Staying Stuck?
Why do some people seemingly embrace the process of transformation, while others get stuck, afraid to make a move, hoping in vain that the change they desire will come about magically and painlessly? When those who’ve mastered the art of creative transformation feel an internal resistance, they’re able to acknowledge it, and work through it Read more »
How to Expand Your Consciousness with Meditation
If one were to describe the makeup of the universe in one word, the most apparent word would be MOTION. The word we use to describe the motion of objects through space is ENERGY. All objects are made up of both as you’ll recall learning in high school physics that what we perceive in life Read more »
How to Mindfully Resolve a Disagreement
Scientists at the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at Ohio State discovered after more than two decades of research how stress including arguments can alter the levels of certain hormones in the blood that can weaken one’s immune system and increasing their vulnerability to disease. This was especially true for women as men often “tune Read more »