Most of us were taught that creativity comes from the thoughts and emotions of the mind. The greatest singers, dancers, painters, writers, and filmmakers recognize that the most original, and even transformative, ideas actually come from the core of our being, which is accessed through an “open-mind consciousness.” In ancient traditions, open-mind consciousness was considered Read more »
Discover Your Core Creativity with a Mindful Pause
As I write in my book, Wise Mind, Open Mind, you don’t have to “try” to be creative when you access your core creativity. You don’t have to “think through” what to do next, because a sense of possibility and wonder will simply come to you, followed by ideas that flow into you. By becoming Read more »
The Wanting Mind of Depression
As a therapist in Los Angeles I’ve seen more than my share of patients who are dealing with various forms of depression and unhappiness. One common personality trait I’ve found and wrote extensively about in my book, Wise Mind Open Mind is their unwholesome thoughts and beliefs that come from what I call the “wanting Read more »
3 Steps to Creatively Transform Any Crisis, Loss or Change
I believe that within all of us lies dormant the potential for tremendous transformation that can lead to greater happiness. In my many years as a mind-body psychotherapist, educator, trainer and consultant I’ve watched thousands of clients let go of their false beliefs about who they are and what roads are open to them, and Read more »
The Art of Mindfully Letting Go with Buddha’s 4 Noble Truths
Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Buddha was like the first psychologist, teaching his followers about the power of changing their mental processes in order to alleviate emotional discomfort and embrace change. One of his insights were the four noble truths that helped people free themselves from the patterns of thinking and behaving that perpetuate their Read more »
Mindfulness, Music and the Creative Flow
I had the pleasure of interviewing the lovely and unique Jenny Boyd, author of It’s Not Only Rock’n’Roll: Iconic Musicians Reveal The Source of Their Creativity. Jenny was a model with her sister Pattie Boyd in the psychedelic 60’s. The two of them where known as the original, “Apple Music Girls,” living in an exciting Read more »
3 Steps to Mindfully Shift Negative Thoughts & Feelings
The belief “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is false, at least as far as brain science is concerned. It has proven that the brain is far more malleable than we ever thought. We can develop new relationship, communication, and money-management skills at any age, especially with mindfulness training. Mindfulness allows you to Read more »
7 Steps to Mend a Broken Heart
After you have experienced a shattering loss follow these seven steps to overcome and transform your broken heart.
Mindfully Surrendering Stress
Stress is primarily caused by external triggers and how we deal and process it depends upon our constitution and temperament. People who handle stress mindfully will tend to be less reactive, are more macro focused on the “big picture” and have a thicker skin. Those who are micro focused on the little details are usually Read more »
Four Steps to Mindfully Ride the Ebb of Life
Adapted from Ronald Alexander’s book, “Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss and Change” As a therapist working with people in creative industries, I’ve seen how the idea that “you’re only as good as your last project” creates an unwholesome dissatisfaction and constant striving to do better, a perfectionism Read more »